Psychedelics 101

• WHAT are Plant and Psychedelic Medicines • WHY would someone want to take these • HOW does one successfully partake in this way of healing

    1. Lesson 1: What Are Psychedelics?

    2. Lesson 2: What Each Of These Are

    3. Lesson 3: How To Successfully Use

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content
  • Accessible for 1 Year

Discover if Psychedelic Medicine is right for you

Why I Created This Course

This 3-Part Webinar is broken into 3 primary lessons

Millions are suffering from: • Depression • Epilepsy • Eating disorders • Anxiety • Migraines • Chronic pain • ...and other serious health problems. Most people have no idea these maladies may be lessened… or even ELIMINATED… by psychedelics. More people need to know the eye-opening truth and it’s time to reach healing and wholeness in an entirely different kind of way than you’ve ever thought possible. Given the current state of the world, it is clear we have to completely change our thinking if we want to reinvent mental health. There are many things we have to understand such as the bi-directionality of the gut-brain connection and we must understand the role of trauma. We also have to learn about the effects of isolation and how it directly affects function of the brain and body. And Yes, we have to look at new and innovative interventions, like psychedelics. I am grateful for Michael Pollen, MAPS and all the other pioneers that are bringing this emerging field of medicine to the surface.

This course is broken into 3 primary lessons:

• WHAT are Plant and Psychedelic Medicines • WHY would someone want to take these • HOW does one successfully partake in this way of healing

  • Lesson 1 covers:

    60 Minutes

    • Introduction and Overview of Plant Medicine • Introduction to Psychedelics • Legal Status • Historical Context • Current Research Future Directions

  • Lesson 2 covers:

    60 Minutes

    • Acid or LSD • Dimethyltryptamine or DMT • Ololiuqui or Morning Glory • Psilocybin or Magic Mushrooms • MDMA or Ecstasy • Mescaline or Peyote • Ayahuasca • Ketamine • Tobacco

  • Lesson 3 covers:

    60 Minutes

    • Procurement Methods • Quality and Formats • Choosing a Substance • Dosage • How to be Successful • Frequently Asked Questions